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![]() ![]() Index for this site |
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Aesop A fable for our times (2002)
BOOF The Peoples Charter (1998)
David Bromell The staircase to Heaven (7/2004)
Liz Brooke-Carr
Who is Jesus? (8/2005)
The disaster of Project Aqua (3/2004)
Melanie Bunce
Same old tune different time (2/2003)
What's with that? (3/2003)
Who owns New Zealand? some key facts (~1999)
Corporate Code of Responsibility (~1999)
Richard Cannon
Celebrating contemporary music with Colin Gibson (1997)
Mornington congregation (1997)
Dunedin pictures (1997)
Comms group Faithful and Free (group theology ~1990)
Helen Corrigan Profiling Evan Lewis (~1999)
Selwyn Dawson
Meet the Man (book review) (~2000)
Nine fallacies (~1999)
Prayers for the quiet moment (~1999)
Ministering the gospel in a time of change (~2000)
William Elderton
Not just a schoolgirl crush (~2001)
Crossing Boundaries (sexual abuse) (~2001)
The male closet in many a classroom (~2001)
Sue Galloway Environment Award for Mornington Methodists (2002)
Colin Gibson
Three Incredible Readings (4/2007)
The Tale of Joseph's
Coat (4/2006)
of Africa (3/2006)
Three little boys who
grew up (4/2005)
You go where
Is love enough?
God is not just a big
noise (Elijah) (6/2004)
Love or terror?
Trouble at the vineyard
Noah's address to the human
race (2002)
Count down to Easter
The Dark Tower
Raising Cain (2002)
Tracing the family tree
Black Hawk Down
Talking about atonement
The fooling of King Alexander
What is a Methodist
Made in the image of God?
Just some ordinary fishermen
Lifting Leviticus
The justice of God
The NZ landscape in our
hymns (~2000)
Sex and the wisdom of the past
We've a gorgon at our organ
(verses) (~1999)
The role of hymns in worship
tomorrow (1999)
Setting prisoners free
Walking on water
Snake tale
Song for the Church Hesitant
The stork among the poultry
The princess and the pea
The baby in the basket
Noses (~1998)
Samson (~1998)
Colin Gibson - hymns & songs
Lord, pull the stopper
Kingdom talk
Voices of the earth
We are many, we are one
Clothe the body
I sing the grace of God within you
May the anger of Christ be mine
Here to celebrate
Nothing is lost on the breath of God
It all depends
Rainbow people
Rainbow steeple
Birthday carol
Let there be respect for the earth
Lord Jesus look on this we do
Lord turn our grieving into grace
Love is a miracle and friendship a wonder
When angels rove the restless skies
There's a wideness
These hills
Peter Gregory The Garden of Eden story (~1999)
Kerry Grundy
The new right reforms have been a dismal failure (1998)
Cry shame! (1998)
Peter Grundy Planting in the sea (10/2004)
Ian Harris Honest to God - Where to now? (10/2005)
Blair Hughson Mornington congregation a new generation (2002)
Greg Hughson
'Designer Genes'
(book review) (2000)
Space for Grace & Peace in Hiroshima, New York and Dunedin (2005)
Spirituality - a Potential Source of Wisdom for Bioethics, and the Regulation of Genetic Engineering Technology (2007)
ICC Submission on genetic engineering (2000)
Bishop Penny Jamieson
Gay bishop controversy (11/2003)
Food trade fair terms needed (9/2003)
The world's craving for oil often hurts the poorest (6/2003)
Saddam out, economic bondage in (4/2003)
Embedded journalists (4/2003)
Hope in protests as war shifts the focus (3/2003)
Free trade Western style and Africa (6/2002)
Fund-raising, or gambling on our future? (5/2002)
A modern-day fable: Tolkien (1/2003)
The media turns a blind eye to 'routine' violence (4/2002)
Not meeting the gold standard (3/2002)
Race for the moral low ground (2/2001)
Weighing options to regain security (10/2001)
Time to think globally for global good (7/2001)
Twin Towers anniversary (9/2002)
A small blow against globalization (~2001)
Sparing the rod for the sake of the child (8/2001)
Geoff King
Joining the family a liturgy (~2001)
Overcoming violence by threat of force (~2001)
Marion Kitchingman
Dunedin in May (poem) (~1998)
Pearl of great price (poem) (~1998)
Kitchingman / Gould
Go, so my parables live (song ~1999)
We would be yes-sayers (song ~1999)
Mary's song (song ~1999)
Ginny Kitchingman What's it all about? - A Christmas play (2003)
David Lange Old faiths, new world (8/2004)
Evan Lewis
The dandelion story (1997)
Jesus sayings (2001)
Getting real Re-viewing our religion (2001)
Humour in the Bible? (2002)
Paul the apostle (~1998)
What Paul did NOT write (~1998)
The 'Q' document (~1998)
240 OT readings (~1999)
260 NT readings (~1999)
500 Bible readings index (~1999)
Pharaoh's CEO (~1998)
Psalm 73, paraphrase (~1998)
Galatians (~1998)
Philemon (~1998)
Romans (~1998)
Thessalonians (~1998)
1 Timothy (~1998)
JJ Lewis Into a new land (Judges) (~1998)
Stan Lusby Iraq and world oil strategy (2/2003)
Elspeth McLean
Faith in bigger boobs and smaller noses (2001)
Hallowe'en, sex, and the value of pledges (~2001)
Every bloke needs a meaningful hobby (9/2002)
K & E McLean The city of Dunedin (1997)
Peter Matheson Religious pro-war rhetoric (~2002)
Julia Morris Broad Bay congregation (1997)
NZ Church Leaders Statement on the threat of war against Iraq (2002)
Lilian O'Kane For single parent families (~2000)
Margaret Parkinson
To each her own (9/2005)
An eagle's eye view of G8 (7/2005)
Reflections at the ocean (11/2004)
Lavvy (11/2003)
Crone Wisdom (~1998)
Compassion (~1998)
Homophobic attitudes take a personal inventory (~1998)
Is there room for everyone in the inn? (~1998)
ISTs and ISMs (~1998)
Trish Patrick
Appreciating Mornington congregation (2002)
Creation: how it really happened (8/2004)
Donald Phillipps
Creation - Masters or Servants (4/2007)
Time to choose for God (2/2005)
The past is a foreign country (11/2004)
Justice (10/2004)
Independent Methodism in NZ (8/2004)
The 1912 Heresy Hunt (2003)
Dunedin Methodist history (1998)
Good news to the poor (book review) (~1999)
The Methodist Church of NZ (~1997)
Dunedin South congregation (~1998)
Rita Snowden (1907-1999) (1999)
Leslie Neale, man of faith and vision (~2001)
(w. Leah Taylor)
Dr Gerald Pillay Working for justice (2000)
David Poultney Glimpses of God in Godzone (2/2005)
Hilary Refveim Alleluia Aotearoa Why I like it (2003)
Joan Robertson
Pentecost and after
The Vicar of Dibley
theme et al (~1999)
No Vacancy
Ken Russell
Georgina Beyer
Worse and worse under GWB
Fahrenheit 9/11
Power, terror, and
leadership (5/2004)
Why no transparency?
A better way?
(Restorative Justice) (3/2004)
2006 New Year Sermon
This is Jesus
Stuart Grant
In Every Generation - Pharoah
The Birth of Jesus
Troubled Times (12/2006)
Isabel Sutherland
The Photographic
Art of Isabel Sutherland
Stephanie Scott Journey into faith and acceptance (12/2003)
Martin Stevens The Toy Maker
Rosalie Sugrue A Rosalie story (~1999)
Keith Suter Globalization alternatives (2000)
Leah Taylor
Women's work for women
Leslie Neale (book reviewed)
Mary Thompson The Community of Women and Men (~1998)
Euan Thomson
ARCC (~1999)
Glenaven congregation (~1997)
Matike (~1997)
Support for families and friends of gay men and lesbians (~1999)
Marion Thomson The Church and homosexuality (~1999)
John Thornley
Music in the Air song and spirituality
An Emerging Jesus for an Emerging Christianity (2007)
Leo Tolstoi The big fireplace
Ted Trainor The death of the oil economy
Chris Trotter Doublethink dominates discussion of Iraq (10/2002)
Debra Vitt Engendering jubilee (liberation vision) (~1999)
Wesley Mission Social irresponsibility where lies the blame? (~1999)
Malcolm Gould Dr Ilaitia Delasau and Irene Kelemete (04/2006)
Norman West
Meeting Jesus again (book review) (~2000)
Parents and families a reflection (~2001)
Robyn Westaway Lawrence congregation (~1998)
Noel Bracefield The Sins of the Bible (Book Review) (4/2006)
Dunedin Methodist
Mission (9/2003)
Celebrating Adam and Eve's
6000th birthday (~1998)
A Dunedin Methodist statement
The harmony of religions
Is God a man?
MCNZ Mission Statement
Prayers for worship
Quips and quotes
Roger Award to Monsanto
news release
Roger Award to Monsanto
basis (~1999)
WTO not needed in Seattle
or anywhere
Parish Says Thankyou
to Evan Lewis as Webmaster
Y@M - Stations of
the Cross
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