Kindness |
Chorus: | Let me be kind to you, Will you be kind to me? then we will live in a world where it is good to be, for we are held so tenderly in God's big hands: here is a wink here is a smile here is a wave here is my gift of kindness, here is my gift of loving kindness. | |
1. | Kindness, (God shows us) kindness, in the sun that lights the day, in the friends with whom I play; kindness, (such loving) kindness, when I snuggle down to sleep, all the blankets in a heap . . . | |
2. | Kindness, (God shows us) kindness, in the stories I am told by my granny who's so old; kindness, (such loving) kindness, through a world I may explore, always finding more and more. . . . | |
3. | Kindness, (God shows us) kindness, in the apple on the tree, in the honey from the bee; kindness, (such loving) kindness, in the sparrow's cheerful song, in the place where I belong. . . . | |
4. | Kindness, (God shows us) kindness, through each baby girl and boy, in the life that I enjoy; kindness, (such loving) kindness, through God's very own dear son, who loved each and every one. . . . |
words and music © Colin Gibson 1998
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