Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus look on this we do. These walls have risen up for you. Take stone and glass and piece of wood, and use them ever for your good. Stand where we stand and dwell in us, unlock our hearts to worship here. that open unto you may be the doors of this our sanctuary. Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus feed us with yourself, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus meet us in our hearts,
Words by John Paisley Permission is given to reproduce this material, with
Note: The text, taken from Collected Poems by John Paisley (1990) and originally titled 'Lines composed by a patient for the opening of the Chapel of Christ the Saviour', was written by a Dunedin poet and artist who died in 1985, after suffering for most of his life from a crippling mental disability. It was commissioned by the chaplain at Cherry Farm Hospital. John's one and only commission, it deserves to be sung. We regret that we have been unable to contact a present holder of the copyright. |