- We are joined in a common determination to work for a society in which all have the right and ability to take an active part in the political, social and economic structures which affect our lives.
- We are committed to the realisation of a society in which the rights of the tangata whenua as embodied in Te Tiriti o Waitangi are recognised.
- We are working for a cooperative society which meets the needs of the Earth and all its peoples by linking with others to develop and support initiatives consistent with the following:
Our vision is that:
- Aotearoa will be fully decolonised. Te Tiriti o Waitangi will form our constitutional base, underpinning democratic, accountable and equitable distribution of power, wealth and information.
- Aotearoa will have mutually beneficial relations with the South Pacific and the rest of the world.
- Individuals and collectives will have the right to determine and be responsible for their own direction. Decision making will include the full consent and participation of those affected.
- The main goals of our economy will be fairness and fulfilment of basic human needs, rather than private profit.
- As part of the delicate balance of the world's ecosystems, we will respect and nurture the Earth, enhancing life in all its diversity.
- We will value cooperation and caring above greed and competition. We will foster spiritual growth which enhances the dignity of all people, recognising a special responsibility for the needs of the powerless, particularly children.
- Women will have equal access to and share power in all personal, social and economic aspects of society. Men will support women in their struggle against sexism.
- All people will be free from discrimination and prejudice.
- Every person will have the right to contribute to the common good and to their own development as human beings through meaningful, non-exploitative work. Workers will have the right to organise and bargain collectively.
- Free, appropriate and quality health care and education, decent, secure and affordable housing, and a universal basic income will be available to all as of right.
We commit ourselves to:
- Establishing Te Tiriti o
Waitangi as our constitutional base.
- fostering cultural values which
empower people to transform society on a nonsexist, nonracist and
nonhierarchical basis.
- Building a political movement that will effect
fundamental economic, political and social change from a grass roots
- Coordinating the efforts of people working in the community so we
can better support each other through effective networks.
- Developing and
using economic models that respect the environment, conserve resources
and maximise the creative capacities of people.
- Active peace making.
(adopted by the National Peoples
Assembly, Aotearoa, March 1994)