logo Practical Dreamers

Something different


What's It All About?
      A Christmas play by Ginny Kitchingman.
Adam and Eve's 6000th birthday.
Dunedin Methodist Parish celebrates.
We've a Gorgon at our organ
Colin Gibson's verses reflect the frustrations of the occasional congregation.
Crone wisdom
Margaret Parkinson encourages older women to  'know what they know'
and be ready to share it.
How ever was the story of Noah's ark considered a children's story?
-  a reflection by Joan Robertson.
The Toymaker
You could prepare a couple of glove puppets and tell this story yourself.
Pearl of Great Price
A poem by Marion Kitchingman
Snake tale
It's handy to have a scapegoat   -   so say Colin Gibson's verses
The Big Fireplace
A fable by Leo Tolstoi
The dandelion story
A study in perseverance   -   by Evan Lewis
The city of Dunedin
Introduced by Ken and Elspeth McLean
Pictures of Dunedin buildings
Photographs by Richard Cannon  (120k)
Quips and quotes  -  1
Quips and quotes  -  2
Quips and quotes  -  3
Quips and quotes  -  4


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