Quips and quotes - 4 |
Muddling through | |
As Plato himself recognized, the beautiful city described in
"Republic" is unattainable; humans lack the knowledge and character to
sustain such a utopia. Thus muddling through is
inevitable. Moreover muddling through has undeniable
virtues. In the absence of philosopher kings, the
alternative to politics as a series of minor blunders in a relatively
decentralized system may be politics as a series of colossal blunders in a
centralized system.
William Ophuls | |
Prayer | |
To pray is to pay attention to something or someone other than oneself. | |
W.H. Auden | |
Love your neighbour as yourself | |
This is not only a commandment but also a promise or reward.
Meister Eckhart | |
Ethical infants | |
The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a
world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
Omar Bradley | |
Justice? | |
Everything evens up in the end. The rich man has his ice in the
summer and the poor man gets his in the winter.
L.I. Wilder |
Sense of humour | |
I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the
Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humour.
Dean Inge | |
Humourless | |
No new sect ever had humour, no disciples either, even the disciples of Christ. | |
Anne Morrow Lindbergh | |
Intolerance | |
The person who knows only one religion does not know any religion.
Friedrich Max Müller | |
One religious brand | |
There is a dreadful Hell, And everlasting pains; There sinners must with devils dwell In darkness, fire, and chains. Isaac Watts "Divine Songs for Children" | |
Mistakes | |
You're probably not a member of a major league baseball team.
Your errors, unless they are truly spectacular, don't show up in
the morning paper.
Jane Goodsell |
Sectarian | |
He who does reverence to his own sect, while disparaging the sects of
others with intent to enhance the glory of his own sect, by such
conduct inflicts the severest injury on his own sect.
Asoka, Buddhist | |
Self punishment | |
Intend to live in continual mortification, and never to expect or desire any worldly ease or pleasure. | |
Diary of Jonathan Edwards | |
Responsibility | |
An idea isn't responsible for the people who believe in it.
Don Marquis | |
Vision | |
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
Anais Nin | |
Television | |
TV is chewing gum for the eyes.
Frank Lloyd Wright |
Endless life? | |
Death, that final evil, is one of the paths to
eternity. Endless life in the conditions of our existence would
be a nightmare.
Nicolas Berdyaev | |
Truth | |
Rabbi Mendel said: Everything in the world can be imitated except truth, for truth that is imitated is no longer truth. | |
Tales of the Hasidim | |
Justification | |
In a fable by Ivan Krylov the wolf says to the lamb: "Your guilt
consists in this -- I want to eat you up!"
Ivan Krylov, Russian | |
Democracy | |
I shall ask no more than that you agree with Dean Inge that even though
counting heads is not an ideal way to govern, at least it is better
than breaking them.
Judge Learned Hand | |
Error | |
Every man has a right to be wrong in his opinions. But no man
has a right to be wrong in his facts.
Bernard Baruch |
A good friend | |
I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I
nod. My shadow does that much better.
Plutarch | |
Integrity | |
A young monk, who was travelling, lay down under a tree and rested his head on a few bricks. Some women, who were passing on their way to fetch water, said to one another: 'Look, there is someone who has become a monk, yet he can't do without the idea of a pillow. He has to have bricks instead.' 'They were quite right to criticize me,' thought the monk, so he threw the bricks away and laid his head on the ground. On their way back the women laughed at him again. 'A fine sort of monk! He feels insulted because we said he had a pillow. Now he has thrown his pillow away!' Then the monk thought, 'If I have a pillow people criticize me, and if I don't have a pillow that doesn't suit them either. You can't please them. Let me try to please God alone.' | |
Hindu story | |
Truth or Christ? | |
Christ likes us to prefer truth to him because, before being
Christ, he is truth. If one turns aside from him to go
towards the truth, one will not go far before falling into his arms.
Simone Weil | |
Counting the cost | |
Make no friendship with an elephant-keeper if you have no room to entertain
an elephant.
(Sufi) | |
Worship | |
To worship a Christ or a Krishna is to worship God. It is
not, however, to worship a man as God, not to worship a
person. It is to worship God himself, the
impersonal-personal Existence, in and through the Incarnation;
it is to adore him as one with the eternal Spirit, transcendent as the
Father and immanent in all hearts.
Prabhavananda (Hindu) |
Political wisdom? | |
If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything,
deliver nothing.
Napoleon | |
Reality | |
I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality is within your own dwelling. | |
Kabir | |
Explanation? | |
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Hanlon's Razor | |
Materialists | |
The overwhelming majority of people, including Christians, are
materialists. They do not believe in the power of
spirit. They believe only in material power.
Nicolas Berdyaev | |
Ye must have faith | |
Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind
realises that over the gates of the temple of science are written the words:
"Ye must have faith." It is a quality which the scientist cannot
dispense with.
Max Planck |
Unsearchable | |
They say 'He cannot be found'. Something that cannot be
'found' is what I desire.
Rumi | |
Acceptable unemployment | |
An "acceptable" level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job. | |
Newlan's truism | |
Healing miracles | |
In the healing miracles we can see that, in the family of God,
sick beggars become healthy people. We should not understand
this as a metaphysical miracle to prove Jesus' divine qualities, but
rather as a consequence, which we too can imagine, of the
solidarity and love which was practised in this movement of the poor.
Luise Schottroff | |
God inefficient? | |
He didn't actually accuse God of inefficiency, but when he prayed his
tone was loud and angry, like that of a dissatisfied guest in a
carelessly managed hotel.
Clarence Day | |
Dogmatism | |
Dogmatism is puppyism come to its full growth.
Douglas Jerrold |
Soul | |
I simply believe that some part of the human Self or Soul is not subject to
the laws of space and time.
C.G. Jung | |
Which came first? | |
A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg. | |
Samuel Butler | |
Realism | |
It is extremely urgent to try and adapt our thoughts realistically to a
world which has no fixed general direction either upward or downward,
but is likely to vary largely according to what we do.
Mary Midgley 'Evolution as a Religion' | |
The marginality of women | |
The Christian marginality of women has its roots in the patriarchal
beginnings of the church and in the androcentrism of Christian revelation.
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza 'In Memory of Her' | |
Christian beginnings | |
Our understanding of early Christian beginnings is usually
monolithic. It is much determined by the Acts of the
Apostles, which pictures a straightforward development from the
primitive community in Jerusalem founded on Pentecost to the world-wide
mission of Paul climaxing with his arrival in Rome, the political
centre of the Greco-Roman world. The Pauline epistles are
understood not so much as historical sources reflecting a much more
multifaceted early Christian situation fraught with tensions but as
theological treatises expounding and defending the doctrine of justification
by faith.
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza 'In Memory of Her' |
Beyond imagination | |
Now, my suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we
suppose, but queerer than we can suppose. I suspect
that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, in
any philosophy. That is the reason why I have no
philosophy myself, and must be my excuse for dreaming.
JBS Haldane | |
Indigestion | |
The chicken had his wish, and was magically transformed into a fox. Then he found that he could not digest grain. | |
Idries Shah | |
Worriers | |
I've never met a healthy person who worried much about his health, or
a good person who worried much about his soul.
JBS Haldane | |
A statesman | |
I have the consolation to reflect that during the period of my
administration not a drop of the blood of a single citizen was shed by the
sword of war or of the law.
Thomas Jefferson | |
Non-violence | |
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all
evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings,
we are still savages.
Thomas Edison |
Good value | |
No religion is better than an unnatural one.
William Penn | |
Crisis of values | |
Christianity came to Africa last century as part and parcel of Western
culture and civilization. That being the case,
Christianity only compounded the problem of the crisis of values for
Africans. Through preaching and education churches changed
traditional value systems. Christianity weakened our ability to
interpret and reconstruct systems of values and norms that give meaning to
our lives. All the more important that Africans,
particularly African Christians, rediscover traditional African
values, and re-think Christianity in a non-Western, African way.
Harvey Sindima | |
Pollution? | |
It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the
impurities in our air and water that are doing it.
Dan Quayle, former US Vice-President | |
Free market capitalism | |
Planned economies are heretical in free-market capitalism, but global
planning is done all the time by the managers of big capital. It
is a matter of who does the planning, and in whose interests.
Ched Myers | |
Reputation | |
To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly and steal privately. | |
Josh Billings |
Success | |
For, when all is said, as my friend George Rublee likes to put
it, the only success is to be a success as a person; and it is
still not too late for that.
Judge Learned Hand | |
Right livelihood | |
There is no easy formula for determining right and wrong livelihood, but it is essential to keep the question alive. To return the sense of dignity and honour to manhood, we have to stop pretending that we can make a living at something that is trivial or destructive and still have a sense of legitimate self-worth. A society in which vocation and job are separated for most people gradually creates an economy that is often devoid of spirit, one that frequently fills our pocketbooks at the cost of emptying our souls. | |
Sam Keen | |
Reward | |
No better love than love with no objective, no more satisfying work
than work with no purpose. If you could give up tricks and
cleverness, that would be the cleverest trick!
Jalaludin Rumi | |
An apology for the Devil | |
It must be remembered that we have heard only one side of the
case. God has written all the books.
Samuel Butler | |
Best first | |
Always eat grapes downwards -- that is, always eat the best
grape first; in this way there will be none better left on the bunch,
and each grape will seem good down to the last. If you eat the
other way, you will not have a good grape in the lot.
Besides, you will be tempting Providence to kill you before you come to the
best. ... In New Zealand for a long time I had to do the
washing-up after each meal. I used to do the knives first, for
it might please God to take me before I came to the forks, and then
what a sell it would have been to have done the forks rather than the
Samuel Butler |
Fakes | |
Counterfeiters exist because there is such a thing as real gold.
Jalaludin Rumi | |
The evidence | |
You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements. | |
Norman Douglas | |
Inherent? | |
Women are not inherently passive or peaceful. We are not
inherently anything but human.
Robin Morgan | |
Respect | |
If woman were brought into the field to fight political battles with
men, why what would she be then? Instead of being man's
superior, as she is at the present time, she would be man's
rival. ... It is because I have a great respect for
women that I shall oppose this Bill. I look upon woman as the
light of the home, and the genius of the fireside.
Thomas Bracken speaking in a suffrage debate, as reported in Hansard | |
Declamatory | |
Fancy a man coming home in the evening after a hard day's work, tired
if he be an artisan, or weary with the worries of the day if he be a
merchant or a tradesman, and finding his parlour or drawing-room as
the case may be, filled with a lot of noisy and declamatory
women -- and women can be noisy and declamatory if they
like -- talking politics, and the man's dinner entirely
neglected! Let us picture the scene of social and domestic
discomfort which would follow that ...
Mr Fish M.P. as reported
in Hansard. (Mr Fish was not returned |
Being peace | |
If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can blossom like a
flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society,
will benefit from our peace.
Thich Nhat Hanh | |
The rat race | |
The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat. | |
Lily Tomlin | |
As you would be done by | |
This is a world of compensation; and he who would be no slave must
consent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom to others
deserve it not for themselves, and under a just God, cannot long
retain it.
Abraham Lincoln | |
Rules of creation? | |
All fundamentalist theologians make the ordinances of creation an essential
part of creation and absolutize them. Women belong at home,
fulfil their life through motherhood, by caring for their husbands and
serving them. The fixed role pattern of one particular economic
and family order is transformed into an order willed by God and given by
creation. With a methodologically similar logic, slaves
were understood as those elected by God to serve the whites.
Dorothee Sölle | |
Transcendence | |
Some religions long for transcendence from bodies, but our bodies are the
only home we have. We do theology as if our bodies matter.
Buddhist speaker at NGO women's Forum, Beijing |
Television | |
I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.
There's a knob called "brightness", but it doesn't work.
Gallagher | |
Hunger | |
First bread and then religion. We stuff them too much with religion, when the poor fellows have been starving. No dogmas will satisfy the cravings of hunger. | |
Vivekananda | |
ANT-thropomorphism | |
Finding I could speak the language of ants, I approached one and
enquired, 'What is God like? Does he resemble the
ant?' He answered, 'God! No indeed
-- we have only a single sting, but God, he has TWO!'
Imam Muhammad Baqir | |
Democracy | |
It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism
while the wolf remains of a different opinion.
Dean Inge | |
Values | |
Money, not morality, is the principal commerce of civilized
Thomas Jefferson |
The power of truth | |
Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believ'd.
William Blake | |
A different sort of power | |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer did well when he pointed away from a controlling deity and spoke of the divine suffering. But he was dangerously misleading when he spoke of the divine as powerless. The still small voice and the man on the cross have their power too, but it is a different sort of power from that of the thunderbolt and the insurance company's 'acts of God'. | |
J.B. Cobb 'Sustainability' | |
Incredible! | |
We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination
and will. Incredible. The Life Force experimenting
with forms. You for one. Me for another.
The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.
Ray Bradbury | |
Stupidity? | |
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon | |
We must change | |
Our current difficulties can best be described as having an
'end-of-the-road' character to them and there is no longer any easy way
out . . . If we are to survive we have
only the option of changing ourselves.
R.L. Rubenstein 'The Age of Triage' |
Prospect | |
All the year round there is spring, all through life is youth;
there is always something which may flower.
Karel Capek | |
Pride | |
For me as a woman pride is not really sin, but rather something that I still have to learn. The male conception of the person who rebels against God by affirming himself, by acting proudly, arrogantly, and without constraints, is not a woman's concern. Rather, we women are in danger of not developing any pride, of never becoming independent, of constantly remaining within too narrow boundaries. | |
Dorothée Sölle | |
Psychiatry | |
Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents'
Laurence J. Peter | |
The rich | |
The rich are not very nice. That's why they're rich.
anon | |
Grieving | |
One cannot weep for the entire world, it is beyond human
strength. One must choose.
Jean Anouilh |
Whales | |
Whales have become newly symbolic of real values in a world environment of
which man is newly aware. Whales live in families, they
play in the moonlight, they talk to one another, and they care
for one another in distress. They are awesome and
mysterious. In their cold, wet, and forbidding world
they are complete and successful. They deserve to be
saved, not as potential meatballs, but as a source of
encouragement to mankind.
Victor Scheffer, American whale expert | |
For reward? | |
I will not serve God like a labourer, in expectation of my wages. | |
Rabia, Sufi woman mystic | |
Economics | |
Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.
J.K. Galbraith | |
Pointless | |
What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?
(proverb) | |
Dogmatists | |
I do not understand how people declare themselves to be believers in
God, and at the same time think that God has handed over to a little
body of men all truth, and that they are the guardians of the rest of
Vivekananda |