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Y@M |
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At our Mornington Church we have a small but quite active
youth group which has been named Y@M (Youth at Mornington). Under the leadership
of Ginny Kitchingman they recently ran a questionnaire among the congregation
asking a range of questions about Faith, Bible, Church-going etc etc. A few
Sundays ago they presented a summary of the results in the course of a service.
Many of these answers are significant, and it seems worthwhile for us to post
the full summary of results on the website under the headingt "We wanted
to Know."
Thanks to Ginny and the Y@M group..
24 people
completed the questionnaire: 12 male and 12 female.
Their ages
ranged from 42 to 77, with an average age of 63.
How long have you been going to church?
24 responses
Number of responses |
my life |
16 |
a child |
2 |
my life (with a gap) |
1 |
than 20 years |
1 |
years |
3 |
years (plus 35 earlier in life) |
1 |
who completed the questionnaire had been going to church for a considerable
length of time!
Is there a purpose for you going to church?
22 responses.
8 people simply replied ÒyesÓ.
Of the 14
who gave more detail, the following aspects were mentioned.
Number of responses |
meeting with others who have similar feelings about God and life |
7 |
Worship |
6 |
ideas, thinking about how to live |
4 |
nurture |
2 |
important part of my life |
2 |
Do you enjoy going to church?
24 responses.
Number of responses |
much |
2 |
Yes |
14 |
Usually |
7 |
Sometimes |
1 |
What do you enjoy about it?
24 responses.
Number of responses |
like-minded people |
15 |
Music |
12 |
stimulation, learning, thinking about important issues, seeking direction |
9 |
part of a community, sense of belonging |
5 |
Sermon |
4 |
peace |
3 |
energy |
3 |
renewal |
3 |
Children |
2 |
attitudes |
2 |
atmosphere |
1 |
If you donÕt enjoy it, why do you come?
3 people
mentioned a sense of responsibility, having made a commitment.
Why are you a Christian?
23 responses.
Number of responses |
as great teacher and role model |
10 |
Upbringing |
6 |
upbringing and model of Jesus |
6 |
made me to need GodÓ |
1 |
Why are you a Methodist?
24 responses
Number of responses |
family connection, marriage |
14 |
I like Mornington Methodist |
4 |
(closest church) |
3 |
of social concern |
3 |
theology |
2 |
not – IÕm a Presbyterian! |
2 |
Singing |
1 |
to contribute talents |
1 |
people |
1 |
Why do you come to Mornington Methodist?
24 responses.
Number of responses |
caring people |
13 |
theology, spiritual space |
9 |
(closest Methodist church) |
7 |
Music |
6 |
lively, creative |
4 |
accepting |
2 |
on justice and social responsibility |
2 |
building |
2 |
of the best churches, my favourite |
2 |
placed us here |
1 |
Sermons |
1 |
Have you been baptised?
24 responses.
Number of responses |
Yes |
22 |
No |
1 |
know |
1 |
When were you baptised?
21 responses.
Number of responses |
a baby |
17 |
years old |
3 |
years old |
1 |
Do you remember it?
21 respomses.
Number of responses |
No |
17 |
Yes |
4 |
Did you get a present?
Many people
couldnÕt remember. Several mentioned
certificates. Presents that were
named were: a silver cup, a silver serviette ring, a silver baby spoon, a
Bible, a spoon, afternoon tea, and Everlasting Life in Heaven.
Have there been times in your life when the church has been helpful
to you?
24 responses.
10 people simply replied ÒyesÓ, and 3 said ÒoftenÓ.
Of the 11
people who gave more detail, the following were mentioned:
Number of responses |
of stress, sickness, or loss |
8 |
a teenager |
2 |
me to express my personality and gifts |
1 |
Have there been times when it wasnÕt helpful?
21 responses.
10 people simply replied ÒyesÓ, and 3 said ÒnoÓ.
Of the 8
people who gave more detail, the following were mentioned:
Number of responses |
with some decisions in the church, politics, controversies |
5 |
demanding, too many responsibilities asked |
2 |
the service is not relevant |
1 |
Have there been any special people or events in your life that had
a big effect on what you think about the church?
24 responses.
3 people simply replied ÒyesÓ, and 6 said ÒmanyÓ.
Of the 15
people who gave more detail, the following were mentioned:
Number of responses |
People |
Parents |
6 |
relatives |
4 |
Ministers |
6 |
School or Bible Class teachers |
5 |
Friends |
3 |
Headmaster |
1 |
Jesus |
1 |
Writers |
1 |
groups – MWF, choir, church union, youth groups, young mothersÕ
group |
7 |
Events |
Conference |
1 |
Wedding |
1 |
Death |
1 |
Passion play |
1 |
Overseas |
1 |
What do you think happens when you pray?
20 responses.
In general, the responses could be summarised as follows:
Number of responses |
think seriously, meditate |
12 |
have a conversation with God |
6 |
of these |
1 |
wonderful peace comes over me |
1 |
The responses
were all quite individual and therefore I have included them verbatim below
(in no particular order).
You think about what is happening and hope to resolve problems, or thank
God for the good things.
Prayer helps me to focus on the needs of others. I never expect God to do all the work.
I and the congregation around me focus on particular needs – we
may act later because of it – I donÕt believe my prayers get God to
act as he/she might otherwise not do.
ItÕs like getting in tune with GodÕs harmony.
I think about what is important, prioritise, try to be open to alternative
Essentially meditation, which has itÕs own beneficial if indefinable
A time of meditation, when you can pray and think about things, and
sort out your ideas, and sometimes find an answer. It is important to have some time to contemplate and think
beyond yourself. I havenÕt put
God into these answers – mainly because I donÕt know. But I think we have to do some of GodÕs
work ourselves.
I hope that God hears me and answers my prayer.
God listens then I feel his answering either in my head (my own voice)
or by deeds happening.
I am with God.
Prayer is an attitude.
I talk to God or Jesus and believe this is very effective in my life
and sometimes is the only thing I can do for other people. Our thoughts can have a positive effect
in the world.
I enter into conversation with God.
It concentrates your mind on things that need attention.
I think seriously.
I donÕt know. I think it
helps us to think about things and accept some hard things better. It helps us realise we are not the main
person in control.
We think about ourselves, situation, past, future, mistakes, opportunities,
and seek communication with GodÕs spirit.
God hears, but I donÕt know how. Have a feeling the Holy Spirit comes in here.
A wonderful peace comes over me.
It makes me collect my thoughts, consider what I want to pray about.
Just a way of Òsorting things outÓ in your head – of stepping
back from a situation and thinking objectively. A way of ÒunloadingÓ and moving on.
Do you think the Bible is useful?
22 responses.
9 people simply replied ÒyesÓ.
Of the 13
people who gave more detail the responses could be summarised as:
Number of responses |
relevant guidebook for life |
6 |
butÉ |
7 |
Those responses
are provided here:
It has much between its covers.
I always keep a Bible by my bed.
Excellent background for life, then and today.
Useful because I learn there of the history and ancient beliefs of the
Hebrews and early church; best because I can meet Christ there.
I believe it is real – not just metaphor.
ItÕs like a guidebook showing us about the journey of many many people
in understanding ideas about God.
Some of it – particularly in the New Testament.
Yes, but needs to be assessed historically and wisely.
There is some inspiration in it, but I think it is very harmful at the
same time.
When understood with an up-to-date commentary.
Lots of good stories and history, but some potentially damaging bits.
Yes, but not to the point of describing it as the Word of God. For me, however, it comes close to being
the God of Word – continues to provide a powerful seeding of creative
thought and action.
As history, source of wisdom and truth, but not infallible.
Do you have any favourite stories from the Bible?
21 responses.
3 people simply replied ÒyesÓ, and 2 said ÒnoÓ.
6 people
said they liked the stories from and about Jesus, and 3 mentioned the ancient
myths and creation stories. Specific
stories that were named were: the prodigal son (3), the workers in the vineyard
(2), Ruth (2), Jacob wrestling with God, the persistent woman, the good Samaritan,
the mustard seed, the log in the eye, feeding the multitude, Jesus gathering
the children, and the ÒKingdom is likeÉÓ stories.
What was so special about Jesus?
20 responses.
In general the responses can be summarised as:
Number of responses |
he lived, his love for others |
16 |
special relationship with God |
5 |
responses are given below, in no particular orderÉ
I believe he was sent from God to teach us about God, and how to love
all people.
A very special man of love and goodness.
Light of the World.
He showed passion. Gave
his life for us as a parent would for a child. Half man born from God.
He taught love.
Am working on this!
Teaching, leadership.
Personifies a supreme flowering of the human spirit.
He was such a very loving person to everyone.
Really cared about all people. Radical ideas about what is fair, and what God is like.
What he taught and how he lived in relation to other people.
He demonstrated in his own life and teaching that love, not power, was
the way to go.
He showed us a better way of living and helping other people.
Had a connection with people at all levels. Willing to Òbuck the systemÓ. Stood up for what he believed in no matter what.
He loved everyone and especially the poor, weak, children.
Kindness, healing, suffering for and with obedience, intellect, insight,
etc, etc.
His identity with the Spirit Creator God.
He rose from death.
Special relationship with God that enabled him to live an exemplary
He showed amazing love and courage and healing power.
What do you think about other religions?
23 responses.
Aspects that were mentioned can be summarised as:
Number of responses |
be respected |
10 |
threads run through them |
8 |
– want to learn more |
8 |
concerns |
5 |
responses are given below, in no particular orderÉ
All cousins of the one family.
I think we need to learn about them and respect other peopleÕs beliefs
– but they are not for me.
They are necessary as every person in this world should have the right
to freely worship as he/she sees fit.
Very interested in learning about other faiths/religions as all
have an important place in our world.
They are interrelated, same ÒthreadÓ running through them. Each is right for those believing in them
– no one really knows the ÒtruthÓ.
I find them very interesting and appreciate learning more about them.
Many good sincere people in each religion.
They have their good and bad points so we can learn from them.
They all share in the truth.
When you find out about the main things they believe and teach, theyÕre
not too different from each other.
They all have merits and some wisdom, but few are as complete and satisfactory
as Christianity.
Be respectful. DonÕt dabble
in non God driven beliefs.
They have their good points.
All religions have a place and deserve respect.
We are fortunate today in having a much greater understanding of other
religions. I feel more comfortable
with those who worship one Supreme Being. I am not so sure of those that preach violence to those who
donÕt follow their way.
They seem to have some similarities to Bible stories and history, advocated
better ways of living.
There are many paths to God and all should be respected.
I value and deeply respect their faith. I am intrigued by our differences and our common beliefs.
Mostly seem on a similar track.
It is when one thinks they are the best that problems start. I do have a problem with religions (including
many manifestations of Christianity) that are very rigid and dogmatic and
impose limitations on particular groups of people (such as women).
I have some very special Roman Catholic friends, but I donÕt really
understand their religion.
They are like other languages – I may not be able to understand
them much or at all, but I recognise them as having the same validity, cosy
familiarity and ultimate meaning for their speakers as my tongue (Christianity)
has for its speakers.
Interested to find out and understand.
Should be respected.
I support people to follow whatever religion, providing it teaches love
and respect for yourself and fellow beings.