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Donald Phillips |
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This sermon was preached at Mornington Church on Aug 6, 2006, and attracted much interest. It is a valuable contribution to the current debate on the rights and wrongs of the Middle East conflict.
'"I gave you the
House of Israel and of Judah; and if this were not enough, I would add as
much again for you." 2 Samuel
12: 8
The World Watch supplement to the Monday Otago Daily
Times is a welcome
addition to our diet of news, if only for the publication of the Oliphant
cartoon - this week's a particularly irreverent view of God's opinion of George
The article that caught
my eye, cut from the Observer, was about an Hungarian historian, Krisztian Ungvary, who
is seeking to set his country's war-time record straight – to tell what
really happened during those horrendous years
Those with longer memories
may recall that at the beginning of the 1939-1945 War the then Regent of Hungary,
Admiral Horthy, gave his support to the Axis powers during their invasion
of Yugoslavia and Russia
It proved no avail for
him, in the end, to defy Hitler and seek an armistice - when the war ceased his country became
part of the Communist bloc – his overlords in Moscow plainly regarded
his country as part of the defeated enemy
We recall the brave
but abortive uprising in 1958, ending with Russia asserting its authority
even more violently – we have a friend who escaped from that oppression
and has no wish ever to return – his memories are too bitter
Mr Ungvary has been
able to work with recently discovered material from both Russia and East Germany,
and is setting out to overturn the Communist version of history currently
taught in Hungarian schools
He is describing the
role of the Hungarian army within the Nazi war machine – and in doing
so is revisiting an intensely sensitive chapter in his nation's history
A key sentence in his
article described his reasons: 'But against the background of the selective,
sometimes mythical, history propagated by the former Communist regime in Budapest,
he insists it is time to clear the air between neighbours and to settle down
to peace in today's post-Soviet Europe.'
What are we to do with
history, of which much the same could be said, but which goes back 3000 years,
not just 60 odd
History written by the
victors in a long war, determined to justify their actions – history
that might equally be described as selective and mythical – history
that has to be re-evaluated if there is to be peace in our war-torn world
I think we all know
that selective writing of history goes on all the time – today is no
different from any age in human history, at least since the recording of history
became an important part of the tradition of kings and governments
It has happened in New
Zealand's relatively short time as a European society transplanted into the
South Pacific – displacing the people of the land, far too often by
sheer weight of numbers , or deceit, or broken promises
The history I was taught
as a child was seriously defective – justifying, rather than questioning,
obviously illegal actions – seeing the supposedly peaceful settlement
of the land almost solely from
the point-of-view of the settlers
Mind you, there are
increasing signs that among the tangata whenua the same thing is happening –
a newly published account of the pre-European history of Nelson-Marlborough
questions many traditionally accepted facts of the Maori settlement of Aotearoa
On the world stage there
has been the continuing debate sparked by Mr Irvine's contention that there
was no such thing as the holocaust and that the story of the concentration
camps was deliberately inflated propaganda
And always there are
those who simply cannot accept that there is credible historical evidence
for the life of Jesus of Nazareth - the recent fuss over the Da Vinci Code is just one example
I have been reading
The Pagan Christ
by a Canadian journalist/theologian
who categorically claims that the story of the life of Jesus is no
more than a repetition of mythical stories already circulating for many centuries
in the eastern Mediterranean, particularly in Egypt
It seems that there
has always been a problem for historians in the writing of balanced history
– history that is fair to both sides when there has been conflict of
any sort
My own view of this
was profoundly affected by an experience I had some thirty years ago in what
was then known as Western Germany
I was staying with friends,
and on a Sunday afternoon, with nothing much planned, they asked what I would
like to do - but being a total stranger to the district I left it to them
to decide
One of their sons wanted
to visit the national naval war memorial – his grandfather had been
an officer in the German navy in the 1914-1918 War, and had risen to very
high rank before he died in 1938
So we made the ferry
journey to the memorial - a strikingly impressive structure - a single tall
curving tower, beneath which, on the walls of the underground hall, were inscribed
the names of every sailor who had died in action
It was full of folk,
remembering their dead, and it
quite suddenly struck me that I was the enemy – and that in every war
there are both victors and vanquished, and each deserves the truth to be told
of them
Justice is not done
by means of biased history – for there to be peace there must be a clearing
of the air, as Mr Ungvary said – however hard it is to bear, or to hear,
it is the truth, only, which can cleanse
If ever there were a
need for unbiased history it is now, as an apparently endless battle is fought
by Jew and Arab alike over land which both sides claim as their ancient heritage
Obviously I am referring
to the history we call the Old Testament, familiar from our childhood through
stories like the one just read – Nathan's resounding rebuke of David
for his betrayal of Uriah and his seduction of Bathsheba
It might even be said
that Nathan's prophecy that 'the sword shall never be far from your House' is being fulfilled at this very moment
But how difficult it
is for us to stand aside from our inherited understanding of scripture –
to revisit and reexamine those stories which have been so much a part of our
growing up
I imagine that we simply
accepted them as true – if only because they are part of the Bible,
God's word, and where will it all end if we start to question the veracity
of biblical history
But that is the path
I suggest we must take, if we are to read scripture as mature adults –
because it is a history that centres on the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth
it does not mean that we accept it unquestioningly
What, I think, must
mark our re-reading of it is that we do so without prejudice – without
an axe to grind, as it were – without having any inflexible assumptions
– without assuming it must be either totally true or totally untrue
My quarrel with many
who have sought to re-write Old Testament history is that they have come to
their task with their minds largely made up in advance - or so it seems to
There is, in fact, a
wealth of impressive and impartial writing available to the reader for this
essential task – and it is not by any means always hard going, trying
to make sense of complicated scholarship
What we do have to remember
is that what we read in the Old Testament was, in fact, set down centuries
after the events its describes - when ancient oral tradition first became
written historical fact
We need also to be reminded
that this process was taking place when the kingdom of Israel was in deep
trouble – defeated by powerful neighbours, its leadership taken into
captivitiy – the land itself desolate and depopulated
The faithful remnant
had one dream, and that was to return to what they believed was the land promised
them by God through Moses – it was that belief that justified their
hope and enabled them to survive
But whether that ancient
oral tradition was founded on fact is a matter of conjecture, and I, for one,
am sure that our faith in God is in not any way affected if we cast doubts
on the tradition of God's gift of the Promised Land
There are too many aspects
of the story of the slavery in Egypt, the escape through the sea, the years
of wandering in the desert, and the discovery of a God who promises to be
theirs in a unique way, that raise questions for me
But the fact is that
the eventual conquest of the indigenous tribes in Canaan, the Promised Land,
underlies the bitter struggle between the present State of Israel and the
neighbouring Arab states
And there are of course,
as well, the Hizbollah and the Hamas guerillas, who some call terrorists and
others describe as freedom fighters, who passionately believe that history
is on their side
This stretch of land
along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean has a very ancient history –
some of the first signs of urban civilization, going back ten thousand years,
have been found there
Any exclusive claim
to it, and exclusive to the point of wishing to exclude peoples who have regarded
it as their homeland for many many centuries, is fraught with difficulty and
division and ultimate disaster
God's sword, to use
Nathan's phrase, is indeed not far from the House of contemporary Israel
The point that I am
wanting to share with you this morning is that history, real and verifiable,
rather than mythical and partial, is important both in today's fearsome struggle
and, as well, in our understanding of our Christian tradition
We may well think history
just belongs in the past and has no relevance to the present moment –
I do not think that is a tenable position
Just as I do not think
that our faith as Christians is unaffected by whether or not Jesus of Nazareth
was a real historical person – though some writers, like the author
of The Pagan Christ would want me to believe that this is unproven
Of course it is difficult
to produce the sort of evidence for the historical Jesus that might satisfy
a court of law – most of what is available was written some time after
his death by people who had a personal interest, one way or the other
Let me make it clear
that I am not talking about taking every incident in the Gospels at face value
- as Stuart remarked last week, it is difficult enough finding a way to accept
at face value the story of the feeding of the 5000
I can, with a clear
conscience, set aside the birth stories, and the miracle stories, for example,
and not have to regard them in any way as essential to my belief in Jesus
of Nazareth as Lord and Saviour
But it is the crucifixion,
the belief that the crucified Jesus conquered death that is the stumbling-block,
as Paul said – an obstacle to Jews, madness to pagans – but the
very heart of the faith
If it is not an historical
event, if it is not 'true' in that sense – then what is left?
I ask this as a question
– I do not, please understand me, demand that you answer it as I might
wish to answer it
And that is where I
wish to leave the matter I have raised with you
I cannot see an end
to the hatred in the Middle East until such deep questions as these have been
brought out into the open – it will never be eradicated by military
means, whatever the political leaders of the State of Israel may think
Peace comes through
honest encounter and respect for the truth – I would love to think that
it were possible for the leaders of these countries to come together in order
to discover their shared history
John recorded Jesus
saying that his word is truth, and that it is the truth that will set us free
– that is something I believe and hope with all my heart